
Welcome to the HOME page of MustangJones.co!

The HOME page of this website is designed as a digital multimedia art portfolio. My portfolio below has several links showcasing my art, comics, games, photos, slides, videos, and web design.

Web Design of MustangJones.co

Past Web Design: Version 1

This is the second version of this website. Below is a web capture of the original website. It was a classic website. The current version is a Progressive Web App (PWA) that responds like a hybrid of a classic website and an app. It automatically scales and adjust the text, photos and layout according to screen size. It runs in the browser without requiring any download.

original MustangJones.co site

Contact Mustang Jones

Contact "Lewis Mustang Jones" on Linkedin. "Mustang Jones" on YouTube, Facebook, and Pintrest. I can also be contacted as "mustang_jones" on Instagram. Click the "EMAIL ME" button below to send me an email. This contact information is located at the bottom of each web page.

Linkedin logo YouTube logo facebook logo Instagram logo Pintrest logo